Roksan was founded in 1985 by Tufan Hashemi and Touraj Moghaddam, graduates of the University of London, Imperial College London and Queen Mary College. The name Roksan itself is derived from the name of Roxana, daughter of the Persian King Darius. This closely reflects the Persian heritage and roots of both Hashemi and Moghaddam. Not surprisingly many of Roksan’s product names have references to names of cities, places and famous people of Persia.

In November 2016, British loudspeaker manufacturers Monitor Audio Ltd acquired Roksan. With Monitor Audio, Roksan will be revising and refining current products and of course developing innovative and desirable new products. The company will be able to offer superb sounding combinations of award-winning electronics and loudspeakers designed to complement one another perfectly. The acquisition of Roksan by Monitor Audio will boost the quality, desirability and strength of all products from both brands.

Recent upgrades to classic models such as the Radius and Xerxes Turntables have pushed performance and replay levels even further for this much respected brand.